Saturday, July 11, 2009

Here's to what's to come...

Here's the what's to come! Raising glasses to clink and drinking deeply.

Soon there will be new pictures up on our shop of wares. Also our other sites for meeting and greeting shall be overhauled. There will be stories for our friends to peruse and we are hoping new strips to be read as well. It is a busy time around the old crypt. Our hands are filthy, full of paint, graveyard dirt and things best left to the imagination. Life, such that it is...well is moving along.

We intend to dig up a story of our own creation or one from Dane's enormous collection to post here weekly. So stay on the look out for that.

I am doing my best to show the world that skeletons and dead things can be just as cute as other handmade goodies and twice as eye catching. Look for links to those offerings weekly as well.

The strips should roll out sometime mid August and will be linked to and posted up on this inter net contraption as soon as they are fit for reading.

The other overhauls will be announced. You know how it is with deconstruction, demolition and all that. Takes a while to get the charges set just right. Hope we don't blow anything off this time. Fingers are really hard to sew back on!

That reminds me. The new pieces for the store will be up as soon as I can get this other picture box to work! There's a lot to be done around here. And, I thought being dead would mean less work...

Here's to the weekend! Another clink of glasses. See you again soon!

Xane Dravor